Spam, eggs, sausage and spam

One of the interesting things about having a blog that is open to the public, is all the spam comments you get. Thank goodness for a good spam filter that catches it all and prevents it from being posted.

Curly can’t hear the word “spam” without thinking of the classic Monty Python sketch devoted to the odd meat-like product that comes in a can. She thinks it’s quite funny, but Bee doesn’t fully appreciate Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Maybe it’s an acquired taste, much like Spam itself.

Here’s a link so you can watch it.

You might also want to check out the SPAM website. SPAM website, you say? Why, yes! There are fun and games, recipes, shopping, and more. It’s alarming how many different kinds of SPAM there are. You know you want to check it out. Go ahead. We won’t tell anyone.

That being said, it’s quite entertaining to read through our spam comments folder. Here are some of our recent favorites.

“The post is in reality the freshest topic on this registry related issue. I concur with your conclusions and will eagerly look forward to your forthcoming updates. Saying thanks will not just be enough, for the wonderful clarity in your writing.”

“I would like to start off by saying, thank you for supplying me using the information I’ve been searching for. I’ve been surfing the web for three several hours searching for it and would have given my correct arm if I would have located your site sooner. Not only did I find what I was searching for, but discovered answers to questions I never even believed to ask myself. Thank you for your wonderful web-site!” (This was for a link for birth control pills. Notice the use of “correct” instead of “right” arm. Ha! Not a native English speaker.)

“dnkfdzqjgatebagryyl, delo, KhnPkWsm.” (Apparently they couldn’t muster the energy to type up something coherent, so they just threw the link to their sight in the middle of random keystrokes. I removed the hyperlink.)

“Once I told my father that not all headlines posted on website are new but this post is an special.”